
Aircraft we operate
DHC-2 Beaver 1200 - 1400 lb (depending on distance)
Starting in June of 2024 we will now operate two DHC-2 Beavers.
Kluane Airways is a charter company based on the east side of the Yukon Territory, Canada. We have a float base at Finlayson Lake on the Robert Campbell Highway, 150 road miles north of Watson Lake.
We base our operations out of Inconnu Lodge ( McEvoy Lake ) just east of Finlayson Lake. Inconnu Lodge is 180 air miles east of Whitehorse and 120 air miles north of Watson Lake.
Because of our unique location we are able to offer the lowest pricing and logistics to the climbing areas in the NWT, plus many of the rivers in the eastern Yukon and western NWT for canoeing.
Our tie to Inconnu Lodge, a world class fishing and recreational resort and being only 87 miles from The Cirque of the Unclimbables, the Vampires Spires and many rivers offer our clients a superb base to fly out of.
Kluane Airways does not just offer a flying service, we offer a full range of services to the climbers, canoers or kayakers who want a do it yourself type trip. We can supply accommodations, ground transportation, shuttles, canoe and gear rental, plus your flying needs.
We have been flying on the east side of the Yukon for 37 years, so have great equipment and experienced pilots. Let us assist you with your next adventure.